Registered user since Thu 15 Jun 2023
Name:Yang Shi
Yang Shi is a Ph.D. student and Goodnight Doctoral Fellow at North Carolina State University. He has been working towards building data-driven methods for representing program code to enhance the ability of Intelligent Tutoring Systems and benefit student modeling processes for computing education. With a focus on DM/ML approaches applied to CS education, his research interests also include Programming Language Processing, Software Analysis, and Deep Learning. He has been serving as a program committee (PC) member in conferences across multiple disciplines including EDM, LAK, KDD, AAAI, EAAI, SIGCSE, and ITICSE.
Country:United States
Affiliation:North Carolina State University
Personal website: https://yshi.info/
X (Twitter): https://x.com/yshi0526
Research interests:Computing Education, Educational Data Mining, AI in Education
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